virus - revenant
Side A
- flesh
- formation
- infected
Side B
- dead sleep
- greyblackflowers
- let's get it over with
Step into the melange of torture, bondage, cyber-psychosis, and especially
the vampyr, and this can only begin to allude to the tapestry woven by this
talented duo. The evolutionary process from the first temptation of
Nosferatu, to the first kill, and ultimately, the decline of the family is
told throughout this tape. The music borders on goth, lacking guitars,
focusing on the conceptual power of the man-machine interconnection juxtaposed
with the supernatural world of the first lord of the vampyr, Cain. The
musical chaostrophy mixed with the the storyboard of lyrics makes for a
very impressive work, highly recommended. Also check out this duo's other
two side projects; hex80 and
prost - arranging, processing, sampling, noise, synths, vocals
t.s.hor - vocals, processing, arranging, sampling, noise
Tapes available $5 ppd.
N.U.M. Factory
P.O. Box 545
Oak Park, IL 60303-0545
(708) 383-9858
E-mail: num@num.com
[Music Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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