drone: anguished silence
- anomoly:a small eruption 3:13
- invasion:your second calling 3:24
- sinacide:or death thereof 5:27
You could almost call this band Doubting Thomas's younger brother. The
content and style follow the same pattern set forth by the gang from
Vancouver very well. Not to say that Drone carbon copies the work, but
they expand outward using the same subtle methodologies of heavy sampling
coinciding with soundtrack like programming to evoke dream sequences of
similar to big screen. DT fans should seriously consider picking up this
cassette if they are looking for similar sounding bands. Also check out
this duo's other two side projects; virus
and hex80.
anthony smith - synths, rhythm programming, instance playback
jason prost - synths, rhythm programming, instance playback, vox
Tapes available $5 ppd.
N.U.M. Factory
P.O. Box 545
Oak Park, IL 60303-0545
(708) 383-9858
E-mail: num@num.com
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