Voltage: Issue 6
Voltage continues along with it's new format with the usual array of local
Pacific Northwest press with articles with Rorschach Test, Thine Eyes, Hypnos
Records and the re-emergence of a local Industrial Coalition. Also featured are
articles on national acts including Gary Numan, Collide, C-Tec, Individual
Totem, Numb, SubArachnoid Space, and Perfume Tree. Alongside the usual array of
musical reviews are a few local demo reviews, several book reviews, fan
feedback letters, and two underground texts; one on how to commit suicide
correctly and the other on psilocybin and mushrooms. Lastly, upcoming local
tour dates of national acts and a live review of the Mentallo & The Fixer show
at the FENIX round out this very thorough examination of the Northwest
underground scene.
P.O. Box 4127
Seattle, WA 98104
E-mail: da5id@voltage-zine.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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