Voltage: Issue 5
Increased advertisement and shelf space pressure have polymorphed the latest
issue of Voltage into a standard newstand size and once again offered a color
cover. Lead articles for this issue include KMFDM, Martin Atkins, Lords of
Acid, :wumpscut:. Killing Floor, Front Line Assembly, Mentallo & The Fixer, and
local features on Pinch and Six Degrees. Cover stories include an extensive
look at Digital Hardcore Recordings and the unreal virtual reality of Human
Interface Technologies. The music review section has been reworked with the
format change, creating room for more reviews of which they are now twenty, as
well as the usual book reviews, performance reviews, and video games reviews.
New to this issue include a large Local Download section with all of the
Northwest Industrial new you can find as well as local demo reviews. Voltage
has also increased its print run and distribution so it can now be found
almost all over Washington and Oregon, while still remaining free.
P.O. Box 4127
Seattle, WA 98104
E-mail: da5id@voltage-zine.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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