Voltage: Issue 3
Voltage hits the streets with it's third star studded issue. This time around
they've begun to focus heavily on the local Seattle Industrial scene with
features about Black Atmosphere, Contingence, and SMP. Also included are
articles on artists who have toured through the city recently such as Spahn
Ranch and Evil Mothers. Perhaps the most intriguing article is about Amanda
Felding and Trepadation in the Modern Age. As I understand it, Trepadation is
the act of exposing your brain to the atmosphere by breaking off a piece of
your skull. Needless to say you'd have to read the entire article for the rest
of the gruesome details. Also included are a myriad of reviews of music, games,
books and sex toys. Now what more could a kid ask for than a hole in the head
and the latest Daniel Menche CD?
P.O. Box 4127
Seattle, WA 98104
E-mail: da5id@voltage-zine.com
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