Voltage: Issue 1
Voltage is a free, bi-monthly, sixteen page, over-sized newsprint magazine that
is available across the Seattle metroplex. The premire issue focuses on local
bands Razor Skyline & Rorschach test as well as containing articles and
interviews with Hate Dept, Sheep on Drugs, Test Dept, 16 Volt & Adam Parfrey of
Apocalypse Culture. There is also a rather extensive article on the
controversial release of David Cronenberg's Crash, years after it was originally
completed. Finally there are also a handful of album, magazine, and video games
reviews to round out the publication. Voltage shows a great deal of promise and
with a little time and better distribution should become a rather decent
P.O. Box 4127
Seattle, WA 98104
E-mail: voltage@wolfenet.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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