Under The Flag: Issue 8
Under The Flag is a Belgian based Industrial publication that has returned from
a two year hiatus to bring us coverage of the best and brightest artists in
today's electronic music scene. This issue contains feature articles on Collide
& Acumen as well as twenty music reviews and a handful of magazine reviews.
While only eight pages in length, the large European page format, and lack of
cover price more than make up for the size. This magazine is available free to
anyone who sends an IRC or similar SASE. The next issue will be expanded to
twice the current size ,expand in all topic areas and will continue to remain a
free publication. What more could you possibly ask for?
Under The Flag
Rue De Selys 9/3
4000 Liege
E-mail: ddlhz@skynet.be
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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