Sweater: Issue 2
Issue 2 picks up where the debut issue of Sweater left off continuing
down the electronica path. This issue contains interviews with The Crystal
ethod, Carl Cox, Cut Chemist, & Laurent Garnier. There are also tons of
reviews, scene reports, performance reviews, an events calendar, fashion tips,
and a gear section. Unfortunately, while very informative, Sweater still
continues to have a sugar coated glaze to it's writing which makes it feel like
a hype magazine rather than a true underground source. The magazine consists of
almost half advertising (to help offset the costs of the magazine being free),
and the writers seem to fawn over every word they set to paper. Overall,
Sweater does an excellent job of covering every facet of the Techno scene
but it needs to take a step back and reflect on why it is doing it before it
can become a really trustworthy publication.
2812 Santa Monica Blvd
Suite 204
Santa Monica, CA 90404
E-mail: sweatermag@aol.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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