Sonar Map: Issue 8
Sonar Map is a free, full-sized, 32 page, newsprint publication from Eugene,
Oregon focusing on non-mainstream music. As a result, the features in this
article cross a wide variety of musical boundaries but, the majority of the
music reviews are for Industrial, Techno, and Noise acts which is odd when the
only articles in this issue that are vaguely similar is the two page spread on
DJ Spooky. Just about everything else in this magazine focuses on local acts
which defy most musical categorization. The ' issue also includes an essay on
Punk music subtitled "The Sex Pistols vs. Fugazi, 0-1", a few random comics,
and a bit of poetry. The writing for the articles could be a little better, but
the music reviews are excellent. Hopefully, the next issue will show an overall
quality increase in the writing. Then again, Sonar Map is free.
Sonar Map
P. O. Box 25243
Eugene, OR 97402
E-mail: eleg_sci@efn.org
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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