Sonic Soul's Retina: Issue 18
Retina is a 38 page, full sized, newsprint, quarterly publication based out of
aryland that focuses primarily of electronica. As one would expect that means
cursory articles on Moby, the rise in popularity of MTV's AMP, and a few other
less than memorable techno DJ's. The rest of the magazine is chocked full of
name checking music reviews, self-indulged playlists and even an article on the
state of drum'n'bass (formerly known as jungle). Unfortunately, with a music
format meant mostly for clubs, this much ego intensive and over opinionated
style of writing is almost too much to handle in a single sitting. Retina just
needs to take the chip off it's shoulder and stop treating electronica like it
is the next big rage. Instead they need to focus on an in depth, unbiased view
of the scene so they can survive the current media hype and continue to exist
long after the latest Prodigy single is found in the cut-out bins of every
Tower Records store across the country.
Sonic Soul's Retina
2905 O'Donnell St.
Baltimore, MD 21224
E-mail: sonicsoul@earthlink.net
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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