Sonic Soul's Retina: Sep/Oct 1996
Sonic Soul's Retina is a free, bimonthly, full sized, color newsprint
publication available in record stores across the US. This issue's feature
articles are on Meat Beat Manifesto, Tetsu Inoue & Electric Skychurch. At this
point you might be able to sense the pattern of techno, jungle, and rave
artists whose compose the primary genre of this magazine. The remainder of the
issue is dedicated to music reviews and label documentaries on artists and
labels I've never heard of before, and I consider myself rather knowledgeable
when it comes to electronic music. In fact of the over 80 album reviews, I only
recognized three artists, and only owned one. Kudos definitely go out to a
publication who is doing their best to expose new electronic talent before
the rest of the media.
Sonic Soul
2905 O'Donnell St
Baltimore, MD 21224
(410) 675-4409
E-mail: lovegrov@clark.net
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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