Resonance: Issue 8
The Pacific Northwest's parameter free electronic music magazine continues to
publish quality material quarterly like it has since it's inception two years
ago. They have even increased their format slightly to include film and
literary reviews right alongside their usual collection of show reviews,
interviews, and album reviews. Resonance still remains totally free and
available at quality record shops across the entire Pacific Northwest. This
particular issue contains interviews with Kenny Larkin, Ben Neill, Tetsu Inoue
& Makyo Sukia as well as a very enlightening article about the sorry state of
radio. Resonance is doing an excellent job of remaining free of bias and
catering to it's listening audience by covering the entire spectrum of
electronic music. However it does remain almost devoid of post-industrial music
for reasons that remain to been seen. Alas I suppose everyone can't be
P.O. Box 95628
Seattle, WA 98145
E-mail: rsonance@wolfenet.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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