Magazine Cover

Resonance: Issue 10

Resonance returns with it's parameter free music (meaning mostly electronica) viewpoint of the northwest. This time around they seem to be broadening their horizon with articles on the Pink Flamingos, Sky Cries Mary, Kenny Larkin, The Cranes and Doom Patrol. There are also short expose's on Hovercraft, Mere ortals and Takako Minekawa along with the expanded film and live performance reviews. Unfortunately, Resonanace has yanked it's radio section in favor of a regular club listing, but seeing how the music covered by this publication caters to the club goers, that kind of makes at least some sense. The usual music reviews, this time broken up into genres remain, as well as a few odd articles with random DJ's who have little to nothing to say that is useful. Lucky for us, Resonance is free on this side of the country otherwise it might end up as kindling.

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Seattle, WA 98145


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