RE/Search: The Industrial Culture Handbook
Throbbing Gristle | Cabaret Voltaire | SPK | Z'ev | NON |
onte Cazazza | Mark Pauline | Sordide Sentimental | Johanna Went
Issue 6 & 7 of RE/Search Magazine compiled together into one handy bound
reference for all you ever wanted to know about classic industrial music from
the people who were responsible for the birth of the genre. 136 pages of
interviews with musical artists, performance artists, authors, poets, and the
clinically insane. Complete with numerous photoes, some pornographically
grotesque, others from family photo albums. The entire industrial culture is
dissected internally from the point of view of those denying the existence of
such a clique. A be all to end all authoritative look at the early days when
shock value was in it's infancy. A bit outdated but what can you expect from
something originally released over ten years ago. If you were ever curious
as to what the industrial genre used to stand for pick up a copy.
RE/Search Publications
20 Romolo #B
San Francisco, CA 94113
(415) 362-1465
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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