Replicant: Issue 1
Replicant is a full sized, free, eight page, photocopied pamphlet available
in music stores in Seattle that focuses on the darker genres of electronic
music. Included within are several scene reports on local clubs, album
reviews, a novella on music categorization, poetry, and editorial comments.
That might seem a bit short, but what do more do you want from a free
publication? Replicant seems to be the brain child of several concerned
Seattle residents who are struggling to keep their scene alive amongst the
shattered remains of the grunge revolution of the nineties. Not a bad effort
for a simplistic publication that is designed to disseminate information
and ideas rather than impress the reader via extensive layout and design.
P.O. Box 48213
Seattle, WA 98143
E-mail: none
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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