Permission: Issue 7
Permission has finally achieved the goal that I've seen it striving too for
month which was putting out one of the highest quality magazines in the
industrial gothic genre on a regular basis. Permission, in my opinion, has
become the best quarterly subculture magazine on the market, squashing flat
even the old mainstay, Industrial Nation in sheer signal to noise value.
However it should be noted that I might just be a little bit bias towards
permission as I write for the magazine and know many of it's contributors
personally. Permission even went out of it's way to print my photo on the
contributors page this issue, those sick bastards. The magazine has also
managed to put together a set of work in progress web pages to display their
back catalogue. Having perused the site, it's pretty darn impressive for having
so many link which lead to nowhere. Of course, I'm a sucker for an impressive
graphic layout artist who knows how to utilize his medium to the fullest
extent. I highly recommend that if you haven't had the luxury of obtaining
Permission magazine yet, going out and adding it to your collection of the
darkwave genre periodicals you all hide away in your shadowy abodes.
Permission Magazine
665 Third Street #245
San Francisco, CA 94107
E-mail: mainline@permission.com
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