Outburn: Issue 4
Outburn just keeps getting more and more impressive with every issue. Outburn
has stumbled upon perhaps the best way to run a magazine, interview artists in
every issue and then have them design your cover art. As a result the artwork,
design, and layout for the entire magazine is nothing short of stunning. This
particular issue pays homage to the artist Robert Gregory Griffith as well as
containing interviews with Trance to the Sun, KHZ, Kill Switch... Klick, The
Changelings, Sielwolf, Index, Lycia, and the Gothic Rainbow. Michael Mahon
(formerly a writer for Alternative Press) also has an editorial column with an
interesting slant on the political agendas of music magazines. There is even a
nice little column about various guest artists and reader feedback along with
the usual array of album reviews. For a measly $4 there is absolutely no
reason why you shouldn't pick up this magazine!
P.O. Box 66119
Los Angeles, CA 90066-0119
E-mail: outburn@cogent.net
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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