Outburn: Issue 3
Issue 3 of Outburn contains the first color cover since the magazine's
inception. Once again Outburn retains it's 36 page, full sized, glossy format
while putting the artwork of Eric Dinyer to good use on it's cover. The layout
and the glossy pages continue to remain eye catching yet remain easy to
read. If one were to judge the quality of this magazine by it's conceptual
design alone, it would win hands down over every other underground magazine on
the market. Other magazines could really learn a thing or two about graphic
arts design from Outburn. Content-wise, this particular issue contains
interviews with The Razor Skyline, Godflesh, Eric Dinyer, Black Tape for a Blue
Girl, Dichroic Mirror & Snog as well as over 50 album reviews and 10 tape/demo
reviews. Outburn is definitely a magazine doing excellent work and I hope it
continues doing so for long time into the future.
P.O. Box 66119
Los Angeles, CA 90066-0119
E-mail: outburn@cogent.net
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