Outburn: Issue 2
Outburn is a quarterly, black & white, glossy, full sized, thirty-two page
magazine. This issue features interviews with Collide, Oneiroid Psychosis,
swans, Shadow Light, Testify and Numb as well as live reviews of two California
gothic festivals. Also included are over thirty music review and a rather
sparse section dedicated to independent artists tape releases. The layout and
design while simplistic in nature really accentuate the overall presentation of
the magazine. Outburn is unique in both it's glossy format and in it's ability
to present succinct information through starkingly clean graphic design. Other
publications could certainly learn a thing or two after leafing through Outburn
for only a few seconds.
P.O. Box 66119
Los Angeles, CA 90066-0119
E-mail: outburn@cogent.net
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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