Ora: Issue 1
Ora is a free, sixteen page, half-sized publication hailing from San Diego
which is run by the US distributor of Out of Line Records and Sideline
agazine. This particular issue contains an interview with Endraum, Mesh,
Fading Colours, & End of Orgy as well as a label profile on Weisser Herbst
Produktion. Also included are about 25 album reviews and a few mini-reviews on
Weisser Herbst Produktion artists. The layout and artwork inside ORA is minimal
at best, but because it is printed on a high quality paper it looks
exceptionally clean and professional. I hesitate to call it a magazine because
of it's size, but it is a handy little pamphlet crammed full of information on
primarily foreign Industrialesque artists.
Ora Musik Magazin
P.O.Box 34038
San Diego, CA 92163
E-mail: oramusic@eciti.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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