ND: Issue 19
ND continues to the most well written and thorough atmospheric experimental
music magazine on the market regardless of its highly inaccurate publishing
schedule. Contained within each issue are more interviews and music reviews of
bands and people that I've never heard of before, that nonetheless make me want
to run out to my local record shop and tear frantically thought the merchandise
just to get a listen of their material myself. In depth interviews with Robert
Rich and Christopher Heeman (formerly of H.N.A.S.) amongst others are extremely
in depth and leave the reader intimately familiar with the lives and associated
art forms of those individuals being interviewed. Also included are label and
radio contact information and hundreds of succinct music reviews across the
entire 'industrial' music genre. If you are looking for any small scrap of
information, no matter how tiny, on an experimental musician, performance
artist or record label ND is the place to look. Not band for only $3.95 an
ND Magazine
P.O. Box 4144
Austin TX 78765
E-mail: mag@nd.org
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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