Music From The Empty Quarter: Issue 12
FTEQ is a 120 page, color cover, half size, black & white publication from
England. Included with this issue is a copy of the Hyperium/Hypnobeat Zauber of
usic II compilation CD, which was made exclusively for MFTEQ. MFTEQ covers
all aspects of Industrial, Electro, Gothic, and EBM styles of music,
literature, and culture from all over the world. It contains columns on the
state of the industry, record labels, editorials, written by not only
Europeans, but writers from all over the globe. MFTEQ is definitely the largest
underground music publication that I've seen originating from anywhere. The
diversity is also amazing considering the sheer volume of the music labels
covered by music reviews. Feature articles include interviews with Sheep on
Drugs, Autopsia, Die Form, S.E.T.I., Dorobo Records, Re-Constriction Records,
and Daft Records just to name a few. This particular issue is so full of
useful information that this simple review cannot do it justice. MFTEQ is
definitely the United Kingdom's best underground music magazine by far and
should be sought out by those who want to always remain in the know.
The Empty Quarter
P.O. Box 87
Ilford, Esssex
United Kingdom
E-mail: none
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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