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Interface: Issue 3.2

Interface recently migrated from it's former home of Chicago to St. Louis and abruptly fell off the map for a few months. This issue is it's first since the move and coincidently happens to be it's largest to date. It contains interviews with Alien Faktor, Attrition, Crash Worship, Front Line Assembly, Hate Dept., Idiot Stare, Mentallo & The Fixer, Jean Luc DeMeyer, Ministry, Orbital, Steve Roach, Ruby, and Sheep on Drugs. Apart from the over 100 hundred album and demo reviews, there is also a large section of magazine reviews, a current events calendar that is a little dated, and an article on intelligent devices for the home. It also should be noted that this issue marks the merging of Interface with Cyberlogue Magazine. However it will still remain intact under the same title, only now it will contain all the insight of it's new partner as well. It even might start to be published a little more frequently with twice as many bodies working on the product.

Interface Magazine
3524 N. Southport Ave., Suite 141
Chicago, IL 60657

[Literary Reviews] [Sonic Boom]
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