Interface: Issue 3.1
Interface has earned the title of Industrial Nation's kid brother
which is anything but an apt analogy unless your younger sibling happens to
score perfect on the SAT making you play the fool. Interface continues to
release a quality publication which is leaps and bounds above it's supposed
brethren. This issue contains interviews with Dead Voices on Air, Download,
EBN, The Fair Sex, Haloblack, Haujobb, Leaetherstrip, Prototype 909, Severed
Heads, Steril, Trust Obey and The Young Gods. Also included are four different
music reviews sections segmented by musical styles and reviewer which is
probably one of the best review concepts I've seen used recently. The layout
and design continue to remain pristine with one of the easiest to read formats
while still utilizing a high volume of graphical backgrounds and content. One
should also note the fact that Interface has moved from the Chicago area to St.
Louis as of the summer of 1996, so assuming the magazine survives the move we
can continue to forward to future issues with perhaps a slightly altered sense
of geographical perspective.
Interface Magazine
3524 N. Southport Ave., Suite 141
Chicago, IL 60657
E-mail: interface@interfacemagazine.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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