Interface: Issue 2.1
A full sized, color cover 36 page magazine out of Chicago. A dramatic increase
in size and quality from the previous issue on a half sized black & white card
stock. Printed on high quality white card stock with a very impressive graphic
layout. Interviews with Usherhouse, PWEI, Killing Joke, Spahn Ranch and
appearing on the cover, Trent Renzor of Nine Inch Nails with an interview with
Chris Vrenna on the inside. Over forty music reviews, each an extended paragraph
in length with a scanned in cover of the album. Also included are reviews of
boxed sets, videos, books and magazines. Interface definitely stands out as one
of the better produced underground industrial zines on the market on par with
Permission and Arc, and most definitely better than Industrial Nation in
quality. Individual issues are $2.50, a year subscription for $10 (4 issues).
Interface should be carried in Tower Records and throughout Chicago or order
via snail mail.
Interface Magazine
3524 N. Southport Ave., Suite 141
Chicago, IL 60657
E-mail: interface@interfacemagazine.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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