Interface: Issue 10
Interface returns after a bit of silence with an issue jam packed full of what
you'd expect from a magazine that has one of the best layout and design teams
in the business. This time around they have reworked their logo and issue
number in order to help market penetration which seems to be working now that
they have a 15,000 print run. The cover art this time around is designed by
none other than Aiden Hughes best known for his album cover artwork for KMFDM
under the name of Brute. Included inside is an in depth expose with the artist
as well as interviews and articles with Alien Sex Fiend, Martin Atkins, Loop
Guru, Psychick Warriors ov Gaia, Sister Machine Gun, Deathline International,
Laibach, Empirion, Pig, Rapoon, Spahn Ranch, Sunshine Blind, and many others.
The review section is once again well written although a bit focused on the more
established acts. However, the independent artists also get a chance to shine
in the Signal Patterns section with profiles on more acts than you can count.
Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, don't forget all of the
columns written by such industry staples as Michael Mahon, Chase, Athan
Maroulis and Chris Randall. Could a magazine get any better than this?
Interface Magazine
3524 N. Southport Ave., Suite 141
Chicago, IL 60657
E-mail: interface@interfacemagazine.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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