Industrial Nation: Issue 13
It seems that it took an amazingly long five grueling years for Industrial
Nation to finally release an issue that might pass as quality. Of course it
took the addition of Ken Holewczynski, formerly of Arc magazine, to the art
staff, as well as his merry crew of music reviewers to accomplish this feat.
Yet, the key faults of the magazine still continue to be it's lack of quality
proof reading and the shoddy paper upon which it is printed. For all the hype
Industrial Nation seems to get, even it's five year anniversary issue cannot
escape such simple mistakes as typo's in the table of contents. The only item
that seem to rescue the magazine is it's content, if you can look past the
constant bad grammar and lack of editing. This issue contains a variety of
interviews with bands like Death Ride 69, Meat Beat Manifesto, Dessau,
Apparatus, Cyber-tec, Steril, Collide, and :wumpscut: as well as it's usual
monthly columns written by the likes of Brian McNellis and Chase. Also included
for your consumption is a five year retrospective which reprints several of the
stronger band interviews Industrial nation had conducted in the past. Finally
there are the music reviews, which for the most part are not half bad, with the
exception of what appears to be a preschooler hidden in amongst people who
actually have a firm grasp of the English language. I guess we can't all be
perfect but surely Industrial Nation could learn a lesson or two from the
handful of quality publications and weed out it's problem areas, then again
maybe not.
Industrial Nation
P.O. Box 23184
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
E-mail: IN@ripco.com
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