FAQT: Issue 4
Issue 4 of FAQT contains an in depth look into the realm of Ambient music. It
contains interviews with Aphex Twin, Robert Rich, Dead Voices on Air, 6k, & DJ
Lovegrove and a sad look into the life of a former glam metal artist. Once
again all the album reviews are written in Haikus and the regular features are
all rather silly. Perhaps the best part of the issue is a section on the
history of Ambient music, complete with a variety of artist's individual
opinion's on what Ambient music means to them. So quit being miserly and send
$5 for one year subscription to this nice little zine based out of rural
P.O. BOX 685
York, PA 17405
E-mail: 73160.1751@compuserve.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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