E.X.P: Issue 4
E.X.P. is a free, half-sized newsletter that folds out into six different
panels on a large poster-sized sheet of paper. E.X.P. focuses on Electronica
music and this issue features articles and interviews with Speedy J, Doktor
Kosmos, We, Schematic Records, Amon Tobin and Cujo. Also included are over
fifty album reviews. The content is small, but the graphic design is amazing.
Printed on corn husk colored paper with a red-brown ink, the color contrast is
brilliant. The light background shading coupled with the creative use of white
space that is crammed full of photos, logos, and commentary is amazing given
the limited space of this publication. It just goes to show how good a free
publication can look if you put some well trained thought into it.
1241 Johnson #333
San Luis Opisop, CA 93401
E-mail: tsog5000@aol.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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