Eskhatos: Issue 2
Eskhatos is a full sized, black & white publication that clocks in at just
pages. Miraculously enough it is published in my now hometown of Portland, OR
on quarterly basis for a mere four dollars. The primary focus of the magazine
is on the ambient, experimental side of what is commonly referred to as
industrial music. This issue contains in depth interviews with Lustmord, Mick
Harris, Mourning Cloak, Glod, & Jerrold Richards, as well as a column on a
newly discovered comet, and part two of a series on non-lethal weapons.
Eskhatos also contains more than it's fair share of album reviews with just
over 150 musical viewpoints on recent releases. The review appeared to be a bit
slanted int he direction of more free form music with a great deal of
negativity towards more accessible music, but considering the overall focus of
the magazine, that is not surprising. Either way, if you are looking for a
quality publication that constantly deals with some of the more obscure artists
and styles of experimental music, this is the magazine for you.
P.O. Box 961
Portland, OR 97207
E-mail: eskhatos@ix.netcom.com
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