DMZ: Issue 2
DMZ is a 36 page, half sized, glossy covered, bimonthly publication. It's
primary focus is on Electronic, Industrial, and Techno music but the editor
also feels the needs to set aside some content space for his favorite hockey
team as well. This issue contains articles on Spahn Ranch, Cirrus, Testify,
Lazarus Effect, Acumen Nation, & the label slumlord himself, Chase. Also
included are a smattering of longish album reviews, contact information and a
few rather silly columns about Slackers and a guy called the Village Idiot.
Overall not a bad little magazine, but it could probably do without the less
than witty banter of some of it's contributing writers and focus more on the
task at hand.
130 Madison Ave, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10016
E-mail: dmzcrack@aol.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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