D.L.K.: Issue 3
DLK is a 52 page, European format, quarterly magazine hailing from Italy.
Each article in the magazine is written in Italian and then painstakingly
translated to English. So in effect there are two complete magazines crammed
into this tiny bilingual format. This issues contains features on Pankow,
Limbo, In The Nursery, Kebabtraume, Venus Fly Trap, Nova Galaxie Robotnik,
Dogmeat, COP International, Drone Records, Skinflick Productions, Sisters of
ercy, Kirlian Camera, and an in depth look at the Italian electronic music
scene from 1980-84. Content is kept brief in all the aforementioned articles as
well as the reviews in order to conserve space but overall the writing is
excellent. In fact the only thing wrong with the entire magazine is that the
font size is just a bit on the small side just so DLK can stuff in more
content. Quite a bang for a measly $4 is you ask me.
via Gorki 5
74023 Grottaglie (TA)
E-mail: marc@freeworld.it
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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