Dark Angel: Issue 19
Dark Angel is a full sized, color cover, premire gothic fanzine from the
continent of Australia. The majority of their focus is on the gothic
subculture, music, and way of life, however they do tend to include information
on local industrial and electronic bands and labels on occasion. The issue
includes features on Dub War, Sky Cries Mary, Morphine Angel, Ravensong,
Shinjuku Thief, Regenerator, Sickman, Unpre Emperor, Technohead, Biochip C,
This Digital Ocean, Reckoning Thanatos and The Adams Family. One item that
really makes this magazine stand out is the number of guest columns it has on a
wide variety of topics outside of music including food, sex, computers, role
playing games and religion. The literary reviews and poetry sections are not
too shabby either, however the music review section is rather tiny in
comparison to the rest of the magazine. I suppose one must make sacrifices if
your limited to eighties pages and you want to include the most current up to
date commentary on a wide variety of topics. All things considered this is an
excellent magazine whose origin might be on the other side of the planet, but
whose attention is the world wide music arena.
Dark Angel Productions
P.O. Box 383
Richmond, Vicotoria
Australia 3121
E-mail: dangel@iaccess.com.au
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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