DAMN: Issue 14
The new issue of DAMn! is the largest ever, clocking in at sixteen pages in the
new full sized format. The extra space is once again filled by a growing
variety of contributing writers which helps to flesh out the overall
direction of the magazine quite nicely. Contained inside are articles on
Empirion, Orbital, Covenant, Faith & The Muse, Informatik & The Aggression as
well as a review of a recent Morissey show and the ever controversial Sisters
of Mercy performance in Philadelphia. Alas, don't forget the over forty music
and magazine reviews that round out the rest of the issue with the most diverse
set of artists to have been reviewed yet. Not a bad little publication for $2
by mail, or free if you happen to live within spitting distance of New York.
5 Franklin Blvd
New Brunswick, NJ 08873
E-mail: damnet@aol.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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