DAMn!: Issue 11
DAMn! returns after a several month hiatus just as good as before. This
particular issue contains extensive interviews with Jack Dangers of Meat Beat
anifesto, FSOL, and an amusing look into the world of Paul Van Richter of Van
Richter Records. As usual the magazine contains it's regular monthly features
that include an East Coast scene report, a techno review section, and almost
two dozen industrial reviews. Once again the magazine has a beautiful full
cover and is still free if you happen to dwell where it is distributed
or $1 elsewhere. Of course I am probably a little bias when it comes to DAMn!
since they often go out of their way to publish my own material, but you really
can't beat twelve pages for a mere dollar. They happen to also publish
a portion of the magazine online now, so if you are a poor penniless soul
with Internet acces, you can look them up on the Web.
5 Franklin Blvd
Somerset, NJ 08873
E-mail: damnet@aol.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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