Culture Shock: Issue 5
Althought slipping its production schedule once again, Culture Shock still is
one of the premiere publications covering both North American and European
Electro. Packaged with a companion CD compilation featuring artists covered in
the current issue, Culture Shock places itself on the level of such European
publications as M.F.T.E.Q., Sideline, and Vertigo. This issue contains articles
and intervuews with Front Line Assembly, KMFDM, Aghast View, Kalte Farben,
Seven Trees, Synapscape, Re/Act, Salt, Decree, IT, Gridlock, Digital Factor,
S.P.O.C.K., Axonal Warfare, Inertia, Float, Pain Konsept and Jihad. Also
included is an exclusive Haujobb versus Newt feature. An extensive current
release section lies alongside scene news. Compiled DJ charts lie alongside a
massive contact list. The only downside to this magazine is that it seems too
good to be true. The focus is always on the latest musical trend and the
reviews are mostly positive. Hopefully, this doesn't suggest bending to the
whim of the record labels who fund this magazine with advertisements.
Culture Shock
218 Prospect Ave
Suite 2A
Hackensack, NJ 07601
E-mail: cultureshock@edtrecords.com
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