Culture Shock: Issue 4
Culture Shock returns from a long awaited hiatus in it's new format. While the
actual format of the magazine is the same as the last issue, this time it also
includes a CD compilation consisting of mostly artists featured in the
magazine. This issue contains interviews with Velvet Acid Christ, Attrition,
Leaetherstrip, Mentallo & The Fixer, DB.F, Scar Tissue, Neuroactive, Implant,
Collapsed System, Sabotage Q.C.Q.C?, Index, STR, T.H.D., Staic Icon, Hocico,
orgue, E-Craft, New Mind, PAL, & Funker Vogt. As you can tell from this
impressive roster, Culture Shock has the marketed cornered in quality Electro
articles. One cannot forget the huge music review section, along with magazine
reviews, a scene review of Beligum, a large section on upcoming music releases,
a few playlists, a two page section dedicated to up and coming Industrial
artists. All this along with an astounding layout makes for Culture Shock being
one of the best magazines I've read in a long time.
Culture Shock
218 Propsect Ave
Suite 2A
Hackensack, NJ 07601
E-mail: cultureshock@edtrecords.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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