Crewzine: Issue 8
Crewzine is a glossy covered, black & white, half size english written magazine
from Slovakia which focuses on electronic music of all kinds. Unfortunately,
the magazine had meets it's demise in favor of starting a record label and will
no longer be published. This or the following issue is the abrupt final issue.
It really is a shame since there are so few English fanzines in Europe let
alone in the former Baltic states. This issue contains interviews and feature
articles with Thine Eyes, Das Ich, Cold Meat Industry, The Fouth Man, Shinjuku
Thief, Malaise, and many more as well as more music reviews than I have ever
seen in any print publication. Crewzine is an excellent resource for small
European bands and labels who often are so far underground that they don't get
press outside of their respective countries. Definitely the premire electro
magazine on the continent of Europe and I am sad to see it discontinued.
Richard Gurtler
Druzicova 2
SK-821 02 Bratislava
E-mail: pozgay2decef.elf.stuba.sk
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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