Black Moon: Issue 9/10
Black Moon makes up for a slow release schedule with the release of this double
issue consisting of 96 pages. Included inside are articles on Babylonian Tiles,
16 Volt, Lycia, Informatik, Perfume Tree, Uranium 235, Sielwolf, Cradle of
Filth, Konstantinos as well as reviews with many of the artists featured at the
1997 Projekt Festival in Chicago. The usual music and zine reviews are still
underwritten and way too short and the poetry and short story sections are
greatly expanded. The overall layout still remains very stark and almost
non-existent. My real complaint is that apart from the short stories and
poetry, the writing stinks. The music and zine reviews are not really reviews.
They are more of a regurgitation of the press releases. My suggestion to Black
Moon is to hire themselves some new help because the current batch of
contributors are wretched.
Black Moon
3587 Highway 9
Suite 174
Freehold, NJ 07728
E-mail: loublackmoon@delphi.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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