Black Monday: Issue 2.0
Issue 2.0 is the largest Black Monday issue yet, thanks in part to the
inclusion of advertising to help defray printing costs. As as result, Black
Monday has beefed up its size to 32 pages including thirty album reviews and
fifteen interviews. This issue's features include Sielwolf, globalWAVEsystem,
Crocodile Shop, Thinking Man, Insight 23, Spahn Ranch, Heavy Water Factory,
Noise Level 9, Delerium, Fishtank No. 9, Haloblack, Flaming Fish Music and
Rezz. The review sections hava also been rehauled to include more writers and a
rather extensive look at eight compilations, a definite improvement. The only
downside is that Black Monday is no longer a free publication, but then again,
since the cover price is only $1, I don't think many people will complain, due
to the high quality of the magazine.
Black Monday
1030 N. Dearborn #1004
Chicago, IL 60610
E-mail: numbabyss@wormburner.com
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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