Black Monday: Issue 1
The debut issue of Black Monday is only six simple half sized pages yet crammed
within the confined spaces of magazine is some of the best graphic design and
page layout I've seen since Arc magazines left the genre. Someone really needs
to find this guy some advertisement and investors so he can work on a full
sized color magazine. If he can construct this quality published material
constrained in monotone alone think of the layout and design in a full sized
color publication. The premire issue contains a four page interview with
Battery, twenty some odd music reviews, a single poem hidden within the depths
of the credits page and amusing anecdotes along the inside spine of the entire
magazine. Black Monday is succinct, to the point and candy to the eyes, what
more can you ask for?
Black Monday
1030 North Dearborn Parkway #1004
Chicago, IL 60610
E-mail: numbabyss@earthlink.net
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