Black Monday: Issue 1.5
What else can I possibly say about Black Monday that I haven't already repeated
more times than I care to count. Go support this magazine with your advertising
dollars and self addressed stamped envelopes. Issue 1.5 contains an all too
short interview with Marc Heal of Cubanate, as well as full length features on The
Final Cut, Test Dept., Chemlab, Testify, and The Psychonauts. The usual record
reviews, show reviews, and a nifty article on the connection between electronic
music and psychedelia are also thrown in as a nifty bonus. So quit your bitching
about the lack of print magazines these days and get a copy for yourself.
Black Monday
1030 North Dearborn Parkway #1004
Chicago, IL 60610
E-mail: numbabyss@earthlink.net
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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