Bizarre: Issue 9
Bizarre is a half-sized, 32 page, photocopied magazine hailing from England.
For the most part Bizarre only contains music reviews from across the
Gothic, Industrial, and Black Metal genres. However, there is a small section
of magazine reviews and a few loosely arranged articles on Nefilim, Jesus
Lizard, Projekt Records and Red Harvest. Bizarre is definitely an underground
magazine, the likes of which is distributed for free and tends to trade hands
from person to person for quite some time. Overall, Bizarre is not a bad little
magazine, although it could use some more in-depth articles on the bands
besides just music reviews.
P.O. Box 210
Northhampton NN2 6AU
E-mail: soundbuster@t-online.de
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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