B-Side: Jul/Aug 96
Imagine my surprise when a major newstand publication contains articles on
Front Line Assembly, Gravity Kills, and Spahn Ranch all within the same issue.
Apprarently when I wasn't looking B-Side seemed to have been paying a lot more
attention to the industrial scene during the last ten years than any other
mainstream publication. Heck, their first issue had articles on Cabaret
Voltaire and the March Violets. Sure the remainder of the magazine is filled
with the usual alternative music tripe, but at least half of the articles deal
with truly innovative artists. Looks like it's finally time to spring for the
price of admission and sign up for home delivery of this diamond in the rough
and perhaps you should as well.
B-Side Magazine
P.O. Box 1860
Burlington, NJ 08016
(609) 387-9424
E-mail: none
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