Apocalypse: Issue 2
Apocalypse is a 92 page, full-sized, bi-annual magazine hailing from Canada.
The magazine focuses on industrial, gothic and electronic music which
includes interviews, album reviews, feature articles on genre artwork, poetry,
and a few odds and ends. This issue features interviews with Battery, Marc
Spybey, Hate Dept., Fishtank No. 9 and In The Nursery, as well as the
artwork of Rachel Girard, Davide Bigazzi, Heather Renee Russ, the poetry
of Holly Day and Vanessa Zuloga and a few articles on the mythology of
Lilith, Electronica and finally a Skinny Puppy Trivia contest. While
definitely heaped full of information, my single complaint of the magazine
is the poorly written music reviews. Not only are they far too short to
properly review the music, but the grammar and writing style are at the
level of someone in grade school. Apocalypse is an excellent magazine
but it definitely needs a good copy-editor.
Apocalypse Magazine
c/o Jim Smith
840 Kit Crescent
Campbell River, British Columbia
E-mail: jsmith@mail.cr.island.net
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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