Ambience: Issue 6
Ambience is a full sized, color cover, sixty page publication, originating in
Australia that focuses on an wide variety of eclectic music. The most notable
features of this particular issue are an in depth interview with Darrin
Verhagen of Shinjuku Thief and David Thompson of Emit Records. Also included
are such regular features music reviews for the seven different types of music
featured in this magazine; jazz, celtic, ambient, new age, eclectic, electronic
& folk. There are also a number of small artists profiles which are normally
focused on New Age artists, and yet actually includes a section of Fragmented,
an ambient noise solo project from the US. Ambience is a good little magazine
if you can overlook so of the tackiness is seems to exhibit from it's largely
"New Age' oriented clientele.
Ambience Publishing
P.O. Box 417
Waterloo, NSW 2017
E-mail: jasper@fastlink.com.au
[Literary Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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