Alternative Press: Issue 96
Someone must have given Alternative Press a swift kick in the ass because
all of a sudden they are reporting on the synth core scene as if it is
the latest and greatest musical fad. Too bad it's been around for over
four years and they are now just taking notice. Aside from the usual
less than alternative exposes on MTV spawned bands, the special
article which highlights some of the patron saints of modern industrial
music is a real treat. Albeit a bit short and self centered in some places,
Jared of Chemlab, Jurgen of Die Krupps, and Rhys of Front Line Assembly give
their perspectives on the state of the industry. A grab bag of musical
suggestions are also given, and Mike Mahon of Metropolis Records
cranks out an excellent music review section which is sure to make
many an underground musician glad their music has seen the light of day
in this publication. Perhaps now we'll see the music industry turn their
eye away from all the NIn clones and towards the music we all hold most
dear, finally giving it the justice it so richly deserves.
Alternative Press
6516 Detroit Ave
Suite 5
Cleveland, OH 44102-3057
(216) 631-1212
E-mail: altpress@aol.com
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