Thine Eyes: From The Taunt
While not an official Thine Eyes release, "From the Taunt" does serve as a
musical stepping stone of sorts for the band. Thine Eyes has been vainly
working with a variety of record labels for the past several in hopes of
finally netting a contract. The only label that had given them any semblance of
a bite was Kodex Records, yet even Kodex has been over a year in finalizing any
terms. So they have been forced to compile yet another collection of demo
material to begin shopping for yet another label. However this time they have
chosen to press their own CD's to take advantage of their crystal clarity of
digital media and the effect it has on their music, and what a difference it
makes. The subtleties of their vocal work and bitter electronic feel have
reached an all time high note on this album. It is a real shame that no one has
paid much of any attention to this truly marvelous band. It kind of makes me
want to release their material out of my own pocket.
(Sonic-Boom - Jester)
[Thine Eyes]
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