Zero State: Plastic Surgery
- Totalitarian
- Solvent
- Black Shirt March
- After The Slaughter
- Confirmed
- Blind Lead Blind
While the production quality of this new Zero State EP is lacking in some
places, it is certainly light years above their first demo. Musically the
release is a great deal more complex, depending less on preset percussion and
samples, and more on self made sounds. Lyrically the tracks have become more
focused and direct as well as politically oriented. There are even a few
instrumental tracks that contains no vocals. The music still remains 100%
electronic and guitar free with a large focus on the club audience. However
James has taken a lot of the criticism and advice from his first demo, put
it to good use here, and has shown a great deal of both musical and technical
growth, which is always encouraging to see in a new artist.
Zero Slate is: James Cooney
Zero Slate
P.O. Box 213
Exton, PA 19341-0213
E-mail: jcooney@locke.ccil.org
[Music Reviews]
[Sonic Boom]
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