Voice of Eye & Life Garden: The Hungry Voice Vol. II - Air
Air is the second volume in a set of live performances and studio work
performed by members of Voice of Eye and Life Garden during 1994 entitled The
Hungry Void. All of the sounds on the recording were created through live group
improvisations. While the elemental audio imagery remains fixed, the subtle
differences between Air and Fire become startlingly apparent as the listener
immerses themselves in the music. The vibrance brought on by a massive
temperature change or violent weather pattern runs parallel alongside the
tenets of the music. Pockets of pressure waft by as the elemental plane of air
carries on it's daily task much as it has done for millennia. This successful
manifestation of the raw elements of nature into the audio realm has never been
better performed.
Composed, Performed, & Recorded by:
Su Ling
Jim Wilson
Bonnie McNairn
David Oliphant
Peter Ragan
Cyclotron Industries
P.O. Box 66291
Houston, TX 77266
E-mail: beair@aol.com
Agni Music
P.O. Box 1928
Phoenix, AR 85001
E-mail: agni@pcslink.com
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